March 29, 2025

Court Ordered Payments/Collections

Collection Agency

Holmes County has contracted with a collection agency to attempt to collect all outstanding fees, fines, and costs owed to Holmes County. The Clerk’s Office notifies the collection agency that you have fines outstanding. You will owe an additional 40% of the total amount due. The collection agency will contact you by letter and phone to collect this debt.

Fines Imposed at Sentencing

Generally when someone is sentenced and fines and court costs are imposed they are paid over a term of probation; however, many times the court will make these costs a lien of record against any property you may own, especially when the probation has been violated. Being sentenced to a jail or prison term does not cancel the unpaid monetary obligations. A Civil Judgment will be entered against you which will result in your driver’s license being suspended. For more information regarding court ordered payments and our collections procedures, please see the attached document.